- Learn a language with a student from a different culture and teach your language in exchange.
- One of the most popular activities at English House, and every year, over 250 students participate in the programme.
English Houseで最も人気のある活動の1つで、毎年250名以上が参加します。
- There are typically more than ten language combinations in each ten-week programme.
第1?2ターム及び第4?5ターム、それぞれ10週にわたって行われるこのプログラムには、通常10以上の言語の組み合わせがあります。 Examples) English/Japanese, English/Chinese, English/Korean, Chinese/Korean Chinese/Russian, Chinese/Japanese, Korean/Japanese, German/Japanese, Spanish/Japanese, Finnish/Japanese, Italian/Japanese, Indonesian/Japanese, Thai/Japanese