Bank account

You will be able to open a bank account only if the duration of your stay is more than three months and you have been issued a residence card. In the case that you cannot open an account, your salary will be paid in cash or by overseas remittance.

With a savings account at a bank, you can make deposits or transfers of funds, accept overseas remittances, pay utility bills automatically, complete credit card payments and currency exchanges, etc. When you receive a scholarship or salary, you need to have a bank account for bank transfer. Most banks are open from 9 am to 3 pm, Monday to Friday. ATM services are available after office hours. Money can be deposited and withdrawn at ATMs, but transaction fees may apply, depending on time of day and kind of ATM. You can find ATMs not only at banks but also in many convenience stores.

Opening a bank account

The documents required to open a savings account will depend on the bank. Many banks commonly ask for the following:

  • Passport
  • Residence Card (bank account cannot be opened until your Residence Card is issued)
  • National health insurance certificate
  • Chiba University Student ID
  • Personal or social security number of home country (Steuer-Identifikations-Nummer, IdNr for Germany)

Fill in the application form and other documents specified by the bank. It is recommended that you apply for an ATM card at the same time. You will need to register a 4-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number) when making the card. Be sure not to make the combination of digits too simple or easily guessed, in case someone else should try to use the card. A bankbook will be issued on the day you set up your account. The ATM card will be sent to you later.

Overseas money transfers

The procedure required for transferring funds to the bank account of any receiver is very simple. To send money through a bank, fill out an application form with the receiver’s bank account information: bank name and location, branch name, account type, account number, and account holder’s name and address.

Yucho bank does not accept remittances from overseas during the first six months of an account’s activity. If the account is set to "Non-resident", then "Remittances made by non-residents" and "Remittances whose recipient is a non-resident" will be treated as international remittances even within Japan.

If you become a resident under the Foreign Exchange Law after six months have passed since you entered Japan, please change the settings of your account at the Yucho bank. After changing the settings, you will be able to make remittances at ATMs, etc., just like residents.

Guide for opening a Japan Post Bank(Yucho bank) account

To open a Japan Post Bank (Yucho bank) account, please use the application instead of going directly to a Japan Post Bank (Yucho bank) counter.
After applying with the application, the application is reviewed. It takes about two weeks at the earliest to open an account.

Chiba University ISDtoppage