
Japan is known as a country with a relatively low crime rate and good security, but it is very important to always keep in mind to avoid getting involved in troubles and incidents.
Also a country prone to natural disasters. It is safe to prepare a flashlight, water, food for several days and etc. so that you do not have to worry if your lifeline temporarily stops due to a typhoon or earthquake.

Japan is a country prone to natural disasters. It is also important to prepare and know in advance.
Please watch the “Emergencies and Disasters” section from the Immigration Office's Orientation video.Here

Contact the police and fire department immediately. At that time, it is important to be able to immediately tell where the accident site is, the address and the name of the building that serves as a landmark.

  • Traffic accident or Incident (Police): 110
  • Fire or Ambulance (Fire department): 119

It is difficult to predict when and where an earthquake will occur. If an earthquake strikes, don't panic and protect yourself from falling objects first. Also, keep the following in mind on a daily basis.

  • Do not leave heavy objects around high places or places to sleep.
  • Always have a flashlight, radio, batteries, and a few days' worth of water and food.
  • Check emergency exits such as classrooms with classes and buildings with laboratories.
  • Check the evacuation site in your area.

ANPIC collects and aggregates the safety information of students, faculty members, and employees in the event of a disaster, contributing to prompt disaster response. All students are requested to complete initial registration for ANPIC in advance, to prepare for an unpredictable large-scale disaster.

You can check disaster prevention information for foreigners in Chiba Prefecture from here.
(You can select the language.).

Primary evacuation sites on each Chiba University campus

Please confirm the primary evacuation site for each campus from the university website. Here

Within the university, different people and groups may invite students to participate in different activities. Among them, there are groups that engage in antisocial activities and fraudulent activities, and at first, while hiding the actual situation of the activities, you may be relieved by inviting them to a completely different event and approaching. If you are approached by someone you don't know, never give out personal information such as your name or contact information.
When you are invited by an unknown group but you worry whether it is ok or if you are worried that your friends are participating in activities that you do not understand, please consult with ISD.
Chiba University Cult Consultation Counter (Japanese Only)

Chiba University ISDtoppage